It is the small simple things of life that bring us peace.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I gave Cam a little red wagon for his first birthday. James sent me this picture and I had an "aaawwww" moment for sure! Then James called me to tell me how much Cam was enjoying the wagon, that he had been for his first ride and that he could climb in and out of the wagon. I was glad that he was already playing with it, I had figured that he would have to grow into it, silly Gammy, of course not, he is a remarkable child! There have been several little red wagons in our family over the years so I thought I would note a few here:

My parents gave James a wagon for his first Christmas. The picture above is of James and his mom on that Christmas morning.

Santa brought Jaydon a wagon for his first Christmas, too. What a cutie!

As I was looking through pictures I also came across one of James on his first birthday with his cousins, Melanie and Ronnie, so I decided that since this is Cameron's birthday week I would put his Daddy at one year on here, too. Unfortunately, this picture was made on a 110 camera and who knows what kind of film, after all it was the 1970's and Kodak was into experimental, modern film that turned red after a few years. I ran it through Photoshop and made it worse (so that will be a future project). But here is James at one year --

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