Jaydon had experience with 3 T's this past week: Trains, Taking Things Apart, and Tweezers
TRAINS: Some very dear friends invited us over to see their model trains. It was quite a layout, with 6 different tracks and 6 different trains. Jaydon had fun running the trains, especially when all 6 got to running! We passed an enjoyable hour with the trains; I'm glad he had this experience as the memories he will retain are priceless. Thank you to Mr. & Mrs. J. for inviting us over!
TAKING THINGS APART: Jaydon started to replace the batteries in a remote controlled motorcycle when he discovered that the inside of the controller had been shattered (hmmm, has that thing ever been dropped?). So he proceeded to dissasemble the controller. Then he started on the motorcycle. At first I was hesitant to let him destroy a good toy, after all it wasn't broken it just wouldn't work as a remote controlled toy. But then I realized that by taking things apart we sometimes learn about how they are put together and how they work. When he was done everything was completely dissassembled, everything. During the process he would comment, "look at this" or "wow, what is this thing?". He threw away some of the parts, including the wires but also kept a zip lock bag of some parts, including the two electrical boards. Not sure what he plans to do with these.
TWEEZERS: I really thought Jaydon had learned his lesson about cactus several years ago at the Wildseed Farm when he fell into one that had tiny little red stickers. But no, on a visit to the Botanical Garden he started picking the fruit (I think that is what it is called, it is what the cactus forms after blooming) off prickly pears. The first one he picked was red and somewhat soft. I told him to leave it alone that there were stickers on it and even reminded him about his previous encounter with cactus stickers. He wasn't too concerned and even squished the cactus and tasted the juice. Then he pitched that one and went for another one...this one was green and unbeknownst to him covered in tiny stickers. Needless to say that was the end of our outing and we came home for him to use the tweezers to somewhat remove the stickers. And, no, he would not let me do the tweezing since he thought it would hurt if I did it. He sat in the rocking chair for quite sometime working on this project.
Jaydon tastes the cactus juice. |