It is the small simple things of life that bring us peace.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I found an interesting comment about creativity several years ago. It was in a little comment section in a woman's study Bible. What intrigued me was the statement that creativity demands focus, commitment and discipline. I thought about that a lot, as I found that the three elements were intertwined. You can't have one with out the others and they all work together.

Last fall at the International Quilt Festival one of the classes I took was a dud. It wasn't what I expected and the teacher was really artsy, zany off the wall artsy. But she made some opening comments that I found to be interesting. She spoke of letting creativity flow through you and she stated that she pitied the soul that did not have some creative outlet. It didn't matter what the genre was (music, art, writing, whatever) but every human being needs something creative to flow through them. (I had registered for the class because from reading the description I thought it would be something to inspire me and give me a fresh breath of creativity. Instead of being a quilting/sewing class it was primarily a paint on fabric class and then construct a tote bag using the art. I did enjoy painting, but it was not what I had hoped for at the time. Looking back I realize that I let my expectations get in the way of creativity).

So many people say, "I have no creativity" but I know they do, they just haven't let it flow through into their life. And I know I have creativity but it has been stopped by the day to day of life. I look for it now and then, but know that other responsibilities crowd out my focus and commitment and I don't have the discipline to focus and make the commitment.

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