This past weekend was "Island Time" as Stephanie, Jaydon and I went south to the beach. We all love going and I always think, "why don't we go more often?" The ride down is always pleasant and full of anticipation of another beach trip but the ride home is usually long and sunburnedly painful.
Jaydon celebrates our arrival!
The sea is so fascinating. I don't really care to be in the water all that much, but I could sit on the beach every day and just watch the waves. They have been coming ashore since the beginning of the earth and I know that even as I write this the waves are crashing on the beach. They never cease.
And, we had a small victory on this trip. After buying 3 large umbrellas that self-destructed in the wind and 3 small umbrellas (1 quickly went in the trash, one survived and one was a semi survivor) we bought an umbrella that actually stayed upright in the wind. It provided enough shade for two of us to sit under and we congratulated ourselves on finally getting it right! And Jaydon was pleased because it is his favorite color - bright orange!