I love Christmas and all that goes with the season. I look forward to it all year, and when Labor Day is over I am already looking to Thanksgiving and then into Christmas. However, I don't go to a lot of parties and I don't stress myself into a crazy mode. Years ago I gave up serious cookie baking after I realized that the cookies were either eaten before I got the baking sheets washed or they were thrown out around New Years because no one liked them.
And, while this year isn't extremely busy I did decide last week that Saturday was going to be a "Me Day". Have you ever needed one of those? I made my plans and thought about it all week; I wanted to go to Fredericksburg and wander around and enjoy the holiday spirit in that little town. Saturday was the day, it was for me. Several times I almost backed out on myself when I started thinking about all that I had to do. Even Saturday morning as I sat outside with the dogs enjoying a cup of coffee I wondered if I should postpone my plans for a week.

After I finally got on the road I realized that I had done the right thing - get out of the house, get out of town, get on the road. I don't know what it is about getting on the road that is so soothing to me. My thoughts just melt away into almost nothing; it is like a cleansing of the mind. Sometimes my thoughts do wander around and I think that is some kind of sorting process that my brain does. Just to note here that I right now I'm driving 60 miles round trip every day for work - that is a commute and it does not have the same effect that a road trip does!
I decided to take Bentley along with me and he gave me a laugh because he was not a happy camper when I strapped him into a doggie harness in the passenger seat for the first time ever. He has always ridden in my lap or in a crate in the back with the other dogs and he was not pleased with me at all! Every time I looked over at him he had this " Mom, how could you do this to me. I'm so insulted!" look on his face! We drove along, Bentley very unhappy, me listening to Christmas music and letting my thoughts go.
The eyes say it all: I'M NOT HAPPY OVER HERE! |
Taking a dog along made everything a little different. Since I wasn't sure if there would be any dog friendly place to eat I had made a brown bag lunch. I also realized that I needed a potty break and after a little consideration decided to just take Bentley along with me into the Visitor's Center restroom. No problems there and he got a few laughs from women who walked in while we were there! As always when I have a dog with me people will stop us and we will chat while they pet the dog; I like talking dogs with people and it makes the day friendly.
But it was a different experience going into little shops with him. I had the doggie stroller and he went into it a few times, but he really doesn't like it. He tolerates it. After years of maneuvering a baby stroller it was nothing to roll the doggie stroller through doors and even up and down a few steps. Every time I did go through a door someone would always help hold the door for us, and I did appreciate the assistance. However, I avoided several shops as I knew they were small and also I knew they might be crowded. And, I had to skip the kitchen shop that I enjoy shopping in: there were three steep steps up with a metal hand rail that divided them and then two very narrow doors to go through. I looked around for an alternate entrance and there was none. But all in all I enjoyed having the dog along and it was fun.
Our first stop was at the Dogologie store. It was busy and there were several large dogs visiting at the same time, so I did put Bentley in the stroller. We left with a large shopping bag full of good doggie things and Bentley wearing a new jacket (hey, it was just barely 50 degrees with a nice little breeze blowing!).
So what else did we do besides wander in the little shops?
We spent time in the Marketplatz enjoying the Christmas pyramid and the giant tree.
We ate lunch while sitting on the low wall around the Vereins-Kirche. The sun had come out but the wind was sharp, so we enjoyed the protection of the building while we ate (Bentley had a handful of treats, if you are wondering what he ate). It was a pleasant, relaxing time and we sat there enjoying the warmth of the sun and watching other visitors enjoy themselves. Fredericksburg always enchants me and I always find myself wondering what it is like to live there. The local people are friendly and are passionate about their German heritage. I like the fact that they have done an excellent job of preserving their heritage and are being very progressive in promoting their town as a destination spot.
After visiting a few more spots I decided to come on home and cut the me day short. After all, I had left a mountain of laundry, dusting, vacuuming, cleaning. presents to be wrapped, cards to be addressed, unfinished gift projects, and much of life's debris in my house. Plus, I needed to make a buffet type breakfast to serve 40 people on Sunday morning. I didn't mind coming on home earlier than I planned. After all, I had had my Me Day and had spent several hours enjoying the festive Christmas spirit in Fredericksburg. Now I am ready for Christmas!